8 September 2021

An Average of 18,000 Cars Pass Along the Central Ring Road Daily

The most popular among motorists is the 4th start-up facility of the Central Ring Road (CRR) between the M-7 Volga highway and the M-4 Don highway. Its average daily traffic flow rate is about 21,000 vehicles.

Since the launch of traffic along the entire Ring Road, which took place on July 8 this year and was attended by the President of the Russian Federation, most of motorists traveled along the following routes: M-4 Don – M-2 Crimea, M-4 Don – CRR-5 and M-4 Don – M-5 Ural highways.

The maximum traffic intensity for the entire period of the Central Ring Road functioning was recorded on August 27, 2021. On that day, 36,125 vehicles used the 4th start-up facility.

In early September, the average daily traffic intensity on the Central Ring Road was 18,000 vehicles (Category 1 — 11,300 vehicles, Category 4 — 4,600 vehicles).

The Central Ring Road is one of the most modern high-speed routes in Europe, as well as the first “smart road” in Russia, having a developed intelligent transport system (ITS) and equipped with the Free Flow toll collection system.

The Central Ring Road is a high-speed toll alternative to A-107 “Small Concrete Ring” highway. The length of the Central Ring Road is 336.5 km (288 km of a new construction, and reconstructed 48.5 km). During the construction works at CRR, 225 artificial structures (55 bridges, 144 overpasses, 7 ecoducts and 19 pedestrian crossings) and 18 transport interchanges have been built. It crosses 13 federal highways.